
  • Bitumen Emulsion
    • Coagulation of emulsion at low temprature IS 8887 (Annex-C)
      Coating Ability and water resistance IS 8887 (Annex-F)
      Distillation by volume at 190°C IS 1213
      Distillation by Volume at 225°C IS 1213
      Distillation by volume at 260°C IS 1213
      Distillation by Volume at 316°C IS 1213
      Distillation by Volume at 360°C IS 1213
      Ductility 27°C IS 1208 Part-1
      Miscibility with water IS 8887 (Annex-H)
      Particle Charge IS 8887 (Annexure-E)
      Penetration at 25°C/100g/5sec IS 1203
      Residue by evaporation IS 8887 (Annex-J)
      Residue on IS Sieve 600 Micron IS 8887 (Annex-B)
      Stability to mixing with cement IS 8887 (Annex-G)
      Storage stability after 24 h IS 8887 (Annex-D)
      Viscosity by Saybolt Furol Viscometer at 25°C/ 50°C IS 3117
      Water Content IS 1211
  • Bituminous Mix
    • Air Void of Bitumen Mixture (Va) ASTM D 3203
      Binder Content IRC SP-11, Appn 5, Cl C
      Bulk Specific gravity ASTM D 2726
      Marshall Flow ASTM D 6927
      Marshall Stability ASTM D 6927
      Mastic Hardness IS 1195
      Resistance of compacted Asphalt mixture tensile strength (Tensile strength ratio) AASTHO T-283
      Stripping Value IS 6241
      Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity and Density of Hot Mix Asphalt (Gmm) ASTM D 2041
      Voids filled with bitumen Compacted mixture MS - 2
      Voids Mineral Aggregate MS - 2
  • Blanketing Material / Granular Sub Base / Wet Mix Macadam / Water Bound Macadam
    • Sieve Analysis IS 2386 Part-1
      Elongation Index IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Impact Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Los Angeles Abrasion Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Soundness to Na2SO4 IS 2386 (Part 5)
      Water Absorption IS 2386 (Part 3)
  • Bricks (Burnt Clay / Fly Ash)
    • Compressive Strength IS 3495 Part-1
      Dimensions of Burnt Clay Bricks - height IS 1077
      Dimensions of Burnt Clay Bricks - width IS 1077
      Dimensions of Burnt Clay Bricks-length IS 1077
      Dimensions to Fly Ash Bricks - height IS 12894
      Dimensions to Fly Ash Bricks - length IS 12894
      Dimensions to Fly Ash Bricks - width IS 12894
      Efflorescence IS 3495 Part-3
      Water Absorption IS 3495 Part-2
      Warpage IS 3495 (Part-4)
  • Cement (OPC / PPC / PSC)
    • Transverse Strength IS 4031 (Part-8)
      Compressive Strength IS 4031 (Part 6)
      Density IS 4031 (Part11)
      Final Setting Time IS 4031 (Part 5)
      Fineness by Blaine's Method IS 4031 (Part 2)
      Initial Setting Time IS 4031 (Part 5)
      Soundness by Autoclave Method IS 4031 (Part 3)
      Soundness by Le to Chatelier Method IS 4031 (Part 3)
      Standard Consistency IS 4031 (Part 4)
  • Cement Treated Sub Base- CTSB
    • Liquid Limit IS 2720 (Part-5)
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 (Part-5)
      Sieve Ananlysis (4.75mm to 63mm ) IS 2386 (Part-1)
      Soundness by MgSO4 IS 2386 (Part-5)
      Soundness by Na2SO4 IS 2386 (Part-5)
  • Ceramic Tiles
    • Breaking Strength IS 13630 (Part 6)
      Chemical Resistance to Methylene Blue IS 13630 (Part 8)
      Chemical Resistance to Household Chemicals IS 13630 (Part 8)
      Crazing Resistance IS 13630 (Part 9)
      Dimensions - length IS 13630 (Part 1)
      Dimensions - thickness IS 13630 (Part 1)
      Dimensions - width IS 13630 (Part 1)
      Modulus of Rupture IS 13630 (Part 6)
      Resistance to Thermal Shock IS 13630 (Part 5)
      Scratch Hardness of Surface (Moh's Scale) IS 13630 (Part 13)
      Water Absorption IS 13630 (Part 2)
  • Coarse Aggregate
    • 10 percent Fines Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Bulk Density IS 2386 (Part 3)
      Clay Lumps IS 2386 (Part 2)
      Crushing Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Los Angeles Abrasion Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Soundness by Na2SO4 IS 2386 (Part 5)
      Specific Gravity IS 2386 (Part 3)
      Water Absorption IS 2386 (Part 3)
      % of Void IS 2386 (Part-3)
      Coal and Lignite IS 2386 (Part-2)
      Combined Flakiness Index & Elongation Index IS 2386 Part-1
      Elongation Index IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Impact Value IS 2386 (Part 4)
      Material Finer than 75 Micron IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Petrographic Examination IS 2386 Part - 8
      Polished Stone Value BS 812-114
      Sieve Analysis IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Soundness by MgSo4 IS 2386 Part 5
  • Concrete
    • Drying Shinkage IS 516 Part-6
      Moisture Movement IS 516 Part-6
      Pull-out Test (Bond in Reinforcement Concrete) IS 2770 Part-1
      Split Tensile Test IS 516 (Part-1/Sec-1)
      Water Absorption BS 1881 Part-122
  • Concrete Admixture
    • Air Content IS 1199 (Part-4)
      Bleeding ASTM C-1741
      Bleeding IS 9103 (Annex-D)
      Compaction Factor IS 1199 (Part- 6)
      Compressive Strength ASTM C-942
      Density IS 1199 (Part-3)
      Drying Shrinkage IS 516 (Part-6)
      Flexural Strength IS 516 (Part-1, Sec-1)
      Flow IS 9103 (Annexure- C)
      Loss Workability IS 9103 (Clause
      Setting Time IS 8142
      Slump IS 1199 (Part-2)
      Water Content IS 9103
  • Concrete Beam
    • Flexural Strength IS 516 : Part 1 : Sec 1
  • Concrete Cube
    • Compressive Strength IS 516 (Part 1, Sec 1)
  • Concrete Cubical/Cylindrical
    • Permeability Test (Depth of water Penetration under pressure) IS 516 Part-2/ Sec-1
  • Concrete Paving Blocks
    • Tensile Splitting Strength IS 15658 Annexure-E
  • Curing Compound
    • Curing Efficiency BS 7542
      Day Light Reflactance BS 7542
      Ford Cup (B4) Viscosity BS 7542
      Loss of Water in 72 Hrs. BS 7542
      Specific Gravity BS 7542
  • Fine Aggregate
    • Sieve Analysis IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Bulk Density IS 2386 (Part 3)
      Clay Lumps IS 2386 (Part 2)
      Coal and Lingnite IS 2386 Part 2
      Material Finer than 75 Micron IS 2386 (Part 1)
      Petrographic Examination IS 2386 Part-8
      Silt Content CPWD, Cl
      Soundness by Na2SO4 IS 2386 (Part 5)
      Soundness by MgSO4 IS 2386 (Part-5)
      Specific Gravity IS 2386 (Part 3)
      Water Absorption IS 2386 (Part 3)
  • Fly Ash
    • Compressive Strength IS 1727 Clause 10
      Fineness by Blaine IS 1727 Clause 6
      Lime Reactivity IS 1727 Clause-9
      Particle retained on 45 micron IS 1727
      Soundness by Autoclave expansion IS 4031 Part-3
      Specific Gravity IS 1727
  • Fresh Concrete
    • Air Content IS 1199 Part-4
      Bleeding IS 9103
      Flow IS 9103
      Loss Workability IS 9103
      Setting Time- Initial & Final IS 1199 (Part-7)
      Slump IS 1199 Part-2
  • GI Sheet/ HDPE / Sheathing Duct
    • Tension Load MORT&H Spec. Clause 1805.6.2) Appendix 1800/ ITest C
      Transverse Load Rating Test MORT&H Spec. Clause 1805.6.2) Appendix 1800/ ITest B
      Water Loss Test MORT&H Spec. Clause 1805.6.2) Appendix 1800/ ITest D
      Workability MORT&H Spec. Clause 1805.6.2) Appendix 1800/ ITest A
      Dimension IRC 18
  • Granular subbase
    • Coefficient of permeability by Constant Head IS 2720 Part-36
      Fractured Faces ASTM D5821
      Heavy Compaction-MDD IS 2720 Part-8
      Heavy Compaction-OMC IS 2720 Part-8
      Impact Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Los Angeles Abrasion Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Moisture Content IS 2720 Part-2
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Sieve Analysis IS 2386 Part-1
      Soundness by MgSO4 IS 2386 Part-5
      Soundness by Na2SO4 IS 2386 Part-5
      Water Absorption IS 2386 Part-3
      Wet Aggregate Impact IS 5640
  • Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag- GGBS
    • Fineness By Blaine Air permeability apparatus IS 4031 (Part-2)
      Moisture Content IS 16714
      Compressive Strength IS 16714
      Density IS 4031 (Part-11)
      Glass Content IS 16714
  • Hardened Concrete
    • Compressive Strength of Core IS 516 Part 4
  • Hollow Section
    • Bend Test IS 1599
      Elongation IS 1608 Part-1
      Flattening Test IS 2328 Clause 6.1
      Tensile Strength IS 1608 Part-1
      Yield Stress IS 1608 Part-1
  • Microsilica
    • Compressive Strength IS 1727 Clause 10
      Moisture Content IS 15388
      Oversize percent retain on 45 micron IS Sieve IS 1727
      Specific Gravity IS 1727
  • Modified Bitumen
    • Elastic recovery of half thread in ductilometer at 25°C IS 15462 ( Annex-A)
      Loss in Mass IS 9382
      Seperation difference in softening point IS 15462 (Annex-C)
      Viscosity at 150°C IS 1206(P-2)
  • Nut
    • Hardness Rockwell IS 1501 Part-1
      Proof Load IS 1608 Part-1
      Stress under proof load IS 1608 Part-1
  • Paving Bitumen
    • Absolute Viscosity at 60°C IS 1206 (Part 2)
      Ductility IS 1208 Part-1
      Flash Point IS 1448 (Part 69)
      Kinematic Viscosity at 135°C IS 1206 (Part 3)
      Penetration IS 1203
      Softening Point IS 1205
      Specific Gravity IS 1202
      Viscosity ratio at 60°C IS 1206 Part-2
  • Polymer Modified Bitumen
    • Flash Point (COC) IS 1209
      Frass Breaking Point IS 9381
      Increasing Softening Point (TFOT) IS 1205
      Penetration at 25°C, 0.1mm, 100g, 5 Sec. IS 1203
      Reduction in penetration of residue, at 25°C(TFOT) IS 1203
      Softening Point (R&B) IS 1205
      Viscosity at 150°C IS 1206 Part-2
  • Precast Autoclaved Cellular Concrete Blocks
    • Bulk Density IS 6441 (Part-1)
      Compressive Strength IS 6441 (Part-5)
      Dimension-Height IS 2185 (Part-3)
      Dimension-Length IS 2185 (Part-3)
      Dimension-Thickness IS 2185 (Part-3)
      Drying Shrinkage IS 6441 (Part-2)
      Moisture Content IS 6441 (Part-1)
  • Precast Concrete Paving Block
    • Abrasion Resistance IS 15658 Annexure-G
      Aspect Ratio IS 15658 (Annexure B)
      Compressive Strength IS 15658 Annexure-D
      Dimension- Length IS 15658 (Annexure B)
      Flexural Strength IS 15658 Annexure-F
      Thickness Layer IS 15658 (Annexure B)
      Water Absorption IS 15658 Annexure-C
      Water Absorption IS 15658 Annexure-C
  • Precast Hollow and Solid Concrete Blocks
    • Bulk Density IS 6441 Part-1
      Compressive Strength IS 6441 Part-5
      Dimension - Height IS 2185 Part-2
      Dimension - Length IS 2185 Part-2
      Dimension - Thickness IS 2185 Part-2
      Drying Shrinkage IS 6441 Part-2
      Moisture Content IS 6441 Part-1
  • Prestressing Strands H. T Strand/ LRPC Strands
    • % Elongation IS 1608 Part-1
      0.2 % Proof Load IS 1608 Part-1
      Breaking Strength IS 1608 Part-1
      Carbon Lay Length IS 14268 Annex A-1
      Cross Sectional Area IS 14268 Annex-B
      Mass/ unit area IS 14268 (Annexure B-2/A-2)
      Modulus of Elasticity IS 1608 Part-1
      Nominal Dia IS 14268 Annex A-2
      Percentage Difference in diameter of centre wire and surrounding wire IS 14268 Annex A-3
      Relaxation Test 100 h IS 1608 Part-2
      Tensile Strength IS 1608 Part-1
  • Reinforcement Steel
    • Bend IS 1599
      Cross Sectional Area IS 1608 Part-1
      Elongation Percent IS 1608 Part-1
      Mass per Meter IS 1786
      Rebend IS 1786
      Rib Area IS 1786
      Total Elongation at Maximum force IS 1608 Part-1
      Ultimate Tensile Strength IS 1608 Part-1
      Yield Stress/ 0.2 % proof stress IS 1608 Part-1
  • Rivets
    • Diameter IS 1929
      Dump Test IS 1148
      Head Soundness Test IS 1148
      Shear Strength IS 5242
      Rebend IS 1786
      Rib Area IS 1786
      Total Elongation at Maximum force IS 1608 Part-1
      Ultimate Tensile Strength IS 1608 Part-1
      Yield Stress/ 0.2 % proof stress IS 1608 Part-1
  • Silica Fume
    • Compressive Strength at 7 days as percent of control sample IS 1727
      Oversize percent retained on 45micron IS Sieve IS 1727
      Oversize percent retained on 45micron IS Sieve variation from average percent IS 1727
  • Thermoplastic Road Marking Material
    • Binder Content AASHTO T250
      Colour AASHTO M 249
      Cracking Resistance AASHTO T 250(Section 12)
      Drying Time AASHTO M 249
      Drying Time MORT&H Spec. Cl. 803.4.1.2
      Flow Resistance AASHTO T 250 (Section 11)
      Free Flow MORTH Spec. Section 800 Cl. 803.7.5.4
      Glass Beads Content AASHTO T 250 (Section 6)
      Gradation of Glass Beads (Type 1 & 2) MORT&H Spec. (Section- 800) Table 800-10
      Luminance AASHTO M 249
      Luminance MORT&H Spec. Cl. 803.4.1.2
      Refractive Index BS 6088
      Roundness- Microscope BS 6088 (Appendix-D)
      Skid Resistance BS 6044 (Appendix-K)
      Softening Point ASTM D36
      Yellowness Index AASHTO T 250
  • Ultrafine Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag-GGBS
    • Slag Activity Index IS 16714
  • Washer
    • Rockwell Hardness IS 1586 Part-1
  • Water Bound Macadam- WBM
    • Combined Flakiness Index & Elongation Index IS 2386 Part-1
      Heavy Compaction-MDD IS 2720 Part-8
      Heavy Compaction-OMC IS 2720 Part-8
      Impact Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Los Angeles Abrasion Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Sieve Analysis IS 2386 Part-1
      Water Absorption IS 2386 Part-3
  • Wet Mix Macadam
    • California Bearing Ratio IS 2720 Part-16
      Combined Flakiness Index & Elongation Index IS 2386 Part-1
      Heavy Compaction- OMC IS 2720 Part-8
      Heavy Compaction-MDD IS 2720 Part-8
      Impact Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Los Angeles Abrasion Value IS 2386 Part-4
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Sieve Analysis IS 2386 Part-1
      Water Absorption IS 2386 Part-3
  • Barbed Wire / Fencing Wire
    • Mass of Wire IS 278
      Diameter IS 278
      Tensile Test IS 1608 Part-1
  • MBCB/ Ferrous Material & Alloys Products & Structural Steel
    • Dimension IS 808
      Unit Weight IS 808
      Yield Stress IS 1608 Part- 1
      Bend Test IS 1599
      Cross Section Area IS 1608 Part-1
      Elongation IS 1608 Part-1
      Rockwell Hardness IS 1586 Part-1
      Thickness IS 1608 Part-1
      Ultimate Tensile Strength IS 1608 Part 1
  • Metallic Material
    • Bend IS 1599
      Mass per meter IS 1786
      Rebend IS 1786
      Yield Stress IS 1608 (Part 1)
  • Metallic Material (Coupler)
    • Ultimate Load IS 16172
      Distance of Fracture from Coupler IS 16172
      Elongation IS 1608 (Part 1)
      Slip Test IS 16172 Annex-C
      Tensile Strength IS 1608 (Part 1)
  • Bentonite
    • Fineness Dry & Wet IS 6186 (Annexure-6)
      Free Swell Index IS 2720 (Part - 40)
      Gel Formation Index IS 6186 (Annexure-4))
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 (Part-5)
      Marsh Viscosity at 30° C IS 6186 (Annexure-5)
      Sand Content IS 6186 (Annexure-9)
      Swelling Power IS 6186 (Annexure-5)
  • Blanketing Material / Granular Sub Base / Wet Mix Macadam / Water Bound Macadam
    • California Bearing Ratio IS 2720 (Part 16)
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 (Part 5)
      Maximum Dry Density IS 2720 (Part 8)
      Optimum Moisture Content IS 2720 (Part 8)
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 (Part 5)
  • Soil
    • Angle of Shearing Resistance IS 2720 Part-11
      Angle of shearing resistance IS 2720 Part-13
      California Bearing Ratio IS 2720 (Part 16)
      California Bearing Ratio IS 2720 Part-16
      Classification of Soil IS 1498
      Coefficient of Curvature IS 1498
      Cohesion Intercept IS 2720 Part-11
      Cohesion Intercept IS 2720 Part-13
      Direct Shear (Undrained) (C value) IS 2720 (Part 13)
      Direct Shear (Undrained) (Phi value) IS 2720 (Part 13)
      Free Swell Index IS 2720 (Part 40)
      Free Swell Index IS 2720 Part-40
      Grain Size Analysis (Wet & Dry) IS 2720 Part-4
      Grain Size Analysis (Wet & Dry) IS 2720 (Part 4)
      Grain Size Analysis (Wet & Dry) IS 2720 (Part 4)
      Heavy Compaction- OMC IS 2720 Part-8
      Heavy Compaction-MDD IS 2720 Part-8
      Light Compaction-MDD IS 2720 Part-7
      Light Compaction-OMC IS 2720 Part-7
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 (Part 5)
      Liquid Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Maximum Dry Density IS 2720 (Part 8)
      Optimum Moisture Content IS 2720 (Part 8)
      Permeability by Constant Head IS 2720 Part-17
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 (Part 5)
      Plastic Limit IS 2720 Part-5
      Sand Equivalent Values of Soils IS 2720 (Part 37)
      Shrinkage Limit IS 2720 Part 6
      Specific Gravity IS 2720 (Part 3 / Sec 1)
      Specific Gravity- Fine grained soils IS 2720 (Part 3/Sec 1)
      Specific Gravity- Fine, medium and coarse grained Soil IS 2720 (Part-3/Sec 2)
      Triaxial Compression Test (C value) IS 2720 (Part 11)
      Triaxial Compression Test (Phi value) IS 2720 (Part 11)
      Unconfined Compressive Strength IS 2720 Part-10
      Uniformity Coefficient IS 1498
  • Geo Textile (Woven/Non Woven)
    • Apparent opening size ASTM D4751
      Mass per Square Meter ASTM D5261-10
      Thickness (Single Layers) ASTM D5199-12
      Mass per Square meter ASTM D5261-10
      Percentage Elongation ASTM D6637/D6637M-15
      Percentage Elongation ISO 10319
      Tensile Strength ASTM D6637/D6637M-15
  • Paraweb
    • Percentage Elongation ASTM D6637/D6637M-15
      Tensile Strength ASTM D6637/D6637M-15
  • Plywood
    • Density IS 1734 (Part-1)
      Moisture Content IS 1734 (Part-1)
      Specific Gravity IS 1708 (Part-2)
      Tensile Strength IS 1734 (Part-9)
      Water Absorption IS 2380 (Part-16)
  • Wood/Timber
    • Density IS 2380 Part 3 (Cl. 3.2.2)
      Identification of Wood IS 4970
      Moisture Content IS 1708 (Part-1)
      Specific Gravity IS 1708 (Part-2)
      Tensile Strength IS 1708 (Part-12)
      Water Absorption IS 2380 (Part-16)